Vol. 39, No. 1

Vol. 39, No. 1

Portfolio Description

“In them days, when we started out, we had to almost start from scratch. We had to hire our own staff. We picked up some of the pilots that EPA had. And then we had to look for a place to maintain everything. We were in the hangar up on the Canadian Side first, where there used to be an airport terminal…” – Vince Burton, “Those Were Glorious Years”

“It was on May 28, 1936, that he stepped ashore on the back side of Square Islands. That was the day he met my grandmother.” – Lisa Dempster, “Eulogy for Benjamin W. Powell, Sr.”

“Saturday 23rd November (Day 43 – 27 left) – Clear skies and very cold this morning but about 10°F and nice out in the day. Went to the beaver traps at First Lake and First Lake Pond but no luck. At the pond house the browse was not touched and I had a
muskrat in the trap at the old house.” – The Diaries of Ray Cooper