Vol. 39, No. 3

Vol. 39, No. 3

Portfolio Description

“The coast of Labrador in a drifting March snowstorm is the perfect setting for a ghost story. The swirling white snow that blinds a man from seeing his neighbour’s house, and sometimes even his own hand before him, instead encourages him to see, hear and feel the presence of the inexplicable.” – Patty Way, “Old Smoker – A Legend of Labrador”

“You look at those names today and it just brings back so many memories of the people that are no longer with us and the history of their lives in that period. My father says that if it was the case—that they distributed the patches to the different areas—it probably means that somebody walked there, or somebody went by dog team, because there was certainly no easy way of getting around at that time.” – Judy Voisey, “My Mother’s Quilt”

“Hidden behind a row of shops and a wooden gate in a busy part of Western London just off King’s Cross Road is an unexpected place of peace, a tranquil cemetery of the Moravian Church. When one steps through the door in the wooden wall, the hubbub of the city is left behind and one steps a century back in time.” – Kenn Harper, “An Eskimo Child – A Lonely Grave”