Vol. 38, No 1

Vol. 38, No 1

Portfolio Description

“When I lived in North West River in the early 1960s to study the settlers’ way of life, one of the first things I learned to do was to participate very actively in daily life. The world as I know it is full of surprises. I will tell you what I lsaw and learned on July 3, 1963.” – Michelle Bonenfant-Marcinkowska, “A Day to Remember”

“My Dear Mother, I have no doubt but you have been disappointed in our not coming home, it looks very easy but we could not get off. We did not get all our fish off and the boat did not come anymore and if I had put it off till the last getting anything down, we would have had it pretty hard.” – Joseph Chard, “Letters from Aillik”

“Dear Sir: – Dr. Grenfell has writeen me re “Reindeer,” asking me to write you a letter stating if I thought Labrador more suitable than Newfoundland for the Reindeer. In writing this letter, I should like to give my reasons for saying that Labrador would be better. Labrador, or one of the large islands off this or the Labrador coast, would be far better, chiefly because they could not possibly be worse.” – J. J. Evans, “Reindeer for Labrador”