Vol. 40, No. 4

Vol. 40, No. 4

Portfolio Description

Our nearest post office was at a village six miles away, and as we only had one postal delivery a week, some of my co-workers and I used to walk to “Roundwood”, the name of the village, so called because in the middle of it there was a small house built almost round. – Alice Perrault, “Autobiography of Alice Perrault”

We were very concerned when he didn’t show up coming for dark. Father especially was very concerned because he thought of Danny like a son because he spent so much time at the house. – Paul Blake, “Remembering the McKinneys”

The first year we begged Bowater for paper—that was all we had in terms of supplies. We got that paper so we didn’t have to use slates. I think they might have had to use slates the year before. And they had their readers, with the little boy and the little girl and the dog. – Enid McNeill, “Fifty years in Makkovik”

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