Vol. 41, No. 1

Vol. 41, No. 1

Portfolio Description

“We weren’t about hating men, but we were in a time when the whole culture was not ready for that change and so a lot of our work was to make people more ready and open to receiving us.” – Rita Saunders, “Readying for Change”

Gram sits in her chair, one leg tucked in under, wearing a blue cardigan out over her blouse. She is knitting. And smiling. She smiles whenever she sees one of her grandchildren; a smile that brightens her entire face. She smiles with her eyes. – Jodie Lane, “Mary Andersen and Peace McNeill”

“I was born in a little place called Newtown. There was no Charlottetown in that time. The whole area was called St. Michael’s Bay. My grandparents George and Nillie Kippenhuck, the Campbells and Turnbulls lived in what we call “Up the head of the bay”. – Marion Kippenhuck, “Memories of St. Michael’s Bay”

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