Vol. 42 No.2

Vol. 42 No.2

Portfolio Description

“I went to Muddy Bay to have a service and cut plank sticks for my boat, and got pneumonia…I was very sick. I was in bed for for a week and then the last Sunday in April i had a service at Goose Cove. I was tired out, went to bed but didn’t move for the night. When i woke, I wasn’t dead, but almost. Only my chest seemed alive. My arms and legs were dead stiff, but after a while i got life enough to move. I’t was a month and could not lie on my side. I work in punishment situation all summer…”-James Saunders.1940 “Fishing, Trapping & Preaching: James Saunders & Joseph Tulk of Sandwhich Bay.”

“The cod fishery was the backbone of our little community; most everyone fished or worked in the cod plant. So to stay in the community you pretty much had to be a fisherman. In 1992, I graduated from high school the same year the cod stocks collapsed. People were leaving the fishery by the thousands. After being away already for three years i didn’t have much appetite to head off to school again…”- William Larham,Jr. “How One Fishery Ended & Another Began”.

“There was a husband and wife in Rigolet who were excellent grass sewers. Someone knowledgeable, could look at it and say “He did this one, and she did this one.’ i’m looking at it, like “How do you know?” Well, he was left handed, so he started the coils the wrong way, the other way,so that was the diagnostic, just look at it and see. So that was another skill that I Developed, to look & see what was going on in the technique…”Mavis Penny. “A Life of Teaching in the Arts.”

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