Vol. 2, No. 3 – Digital Only


This issue of Them Days have exclusive stories that came from various hunters and trappers, read their stories about their trips to hunt for polar bears in  I Almost Saw One, I Almost Shot Two, and I’ve Killed Three. Take in the the joyful story of Honorah Hammond, more commonly known by the community of Pinware as, Aunt Hannah. Take in the Labrador craft of building snowshoes with steps to build the frame and filling them in with caribou hide.



Them Days Vol. 2, No. 3 – 1977 – Digital only

Polar Bears 

Makin’ A Livin’ – Martha McDonald

Profile: Aunt Hannah – Gertrude Hawco

Labrador Shiship 

My Favourite Neighbour – Elizabeth

Trapper’s Memories – Percy Chaulk

Labrador Crafts

Battle Harbour was a Big Place – Levi ‘Joe’ Spearing

Them Days – Sarah Holwell

I Was a Good Header – Tamar Elson

Makkovik Gold Rush – Ron Smyth

The ‘Rich’ Folk 

Excerpts from the Financial Post – 1928 – Bob Lindquist

The Time George Stevens Died – Jack Buckle

Bessie Rendell – Edward Pardy

Lydia Campbell’s Diary

In Memory of My Sister – Clara Voisey